I'd Love Some Suggestions!

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I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by JordanaLeigh »

Hey everyone!

I'm just dropping in to see if there is anyone who'd like to give me any suggestions or feedback for my freeze clips? I want to make them better, and would really appreciate it! I have a lot of ideas, but most of them seem like the same type of scenario over and over again (someone freezes model, poses her, unfreezes her, and she is angry/embarrassed). What else do you guys like? I know there's the timestop, but that always seems like there wouldn't be enough story for 15 minutes of footage. Anyway, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, i'd really appreciate it! Here is my store:


thanks so much,
jordana 8)
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by thestatuemaker »

I'm a minimalist. An artistically posed woman on a pedestal with some simple straightforward camerawork is something I would enjoy.
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by greneker03 »

creating an actual "mannequin" look hings like using makeup to make their skin look much more flawless from their normal look, the use of rubber bands to create seams, the idea of an actual bald cap to show one of the model is now a mannequin by removing the wig, perhaps even sliding one onto a display rod..

Just some thoughts .

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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by Lord Hypno »

JordanaLeigh wrote:Hey everyone!

I'm just dropping in to see if there is anyone who'd like to give me any suggestions or feedback for my freeze clips? I want to make them better, and would really appreciate it! I have a lot of ideas, but most of them seem like the same type of scenario over and over again (someone freezes model, poses her, unfreezes her, and she is angry/embarrassed). What else do you guys like? I know there's the timestop, but that always seems like there wouldn't be enough story for 15 minutes of footage. Anyway, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, i'd really appreciate it! Here is my store:


thanks so much,
jordana 8)
OK you asked for it Warning this will be long and please keep in mine all of these are IDEAS ANYONE can STEAL/USE and by no means do i mean them to be an exact how to some may sound that way

well first there are different types of freezing.

1: a slow freeze starting somewhere one the body and slowly freezing then bit by bit, the whole time this is happening the person can move the Unaffected areas.
2: a slowdown freeze like a winding up toy running out
3: full freeze aware (trapped in your body showing no outward signs you know what's going on)
4: full freeze unaware (time-stop like)
5: a can't move freeze but can blink or talk a little. (this can vary, you could blend this with the other types and give or takeaway the ability to see, think, speak , blink, talk, move something,)
6: another effect you can mix with the others is are they pose-able or ridged ( if you were frozen mid-walk and you placed on your back your arms and legs would not move)
7: there are even time stopping like effects that are cool IMHO, the time loop, rewind and plain old slow motion

your right on the money with the (someone freezes model, poses her, unfreezes her, and she is angry/embarrassed) what IMHO you should be is expanded the how, when and different freeze effects.
for me a mid motion freeze is cool. where you freeze someone in mid-action, mid word, or mid-motion and there pose of facial expression looks unnatural by the freeze

i own Freezing The Victim, The Magic Mask, and Love Thy Neighbor

in Love Thy Neighbor you could have made her talk and start slowing down to freeze, to the point she is moving so slowly you could get and and move she is so slow she wont know untill its too late. she would end up frozen handing you the cup but her head is trying to following where you moved to frozen with a look of surprise.

The Magic Mask you could make a part 2 so if the mask is worn for 24 hours the first word they hear after the mask some off is the freeze trigger, so rossie wakes and you say Statue. your holding the mask she realizes shes naked tries to get the mask but you can freeze her at will not, you can taunt her some about being nossie. she surprises you covers your mouth and gets the mask on you and your frozen in a mid fight pose and get the same treatment she got. Setting the stage for part 3 where you get a trigger word and the two of you fight freezing each other, either pick right after your mask comes off or a week later with some short 1 minute bits of one of you frozen posed eating food that's not there and getting unfrozen as the other leaves, or unfrozen in a cold shower, (assuming the two fuck with each other) it ends with one of you having gone too far get's the other one mad and you both say eachothers word at the same time and are frozen mid fight.

Freezing The Victim could go the same way as magic mask the person who was doing the freezing gets frozen by accident and either leaves one frozen naked and posed and one not so a 3rd party and unfreeze them or the frozen victim takes over the freezing and either leaves her tormenter frozen to go more fun and ends up freezing both of them

i also noticed on Socially Awkward you could have added a freeze twist by telling one of the girls to not move and be a statue then have the other girl strip her frozen friend, or for a moment telling them to freeze where they are.

the mind control/magic angle is GREAT for freezing and lot's of time effects,

a magic crystal, hypnosis like (Socially Awkward esk) the person must with ever you tell them to do normal things, or magic ones freeze, turn to gold (body paint ?), be my slave, make them strip and tell them to keep doing it (endless time loop they dress and strip saying and doing the same thing over and over)

Remote control, Stop (freeze like) pause (different freeze effect) rewind (time rewind forgets what just happened), fast forward (moves fast) slow motion, and record (mind control )

Magic box, gets opened everyone freezes except the person who opened the box, when the person who is moving touches someone frozen she slows down and freeze and the other person unfreezes unaware what happened (you could do an insta freeze but with a slow down there would be time to strip people)

Magic Music player, music plays people must dance/strip Expect for owner/holder of player (different people could hold it) pause the music freeze the people (would freeze if you were not holding player or posed someone and made them hold the player)

watch freeze watch either it freezes everyone or it could freeze the wearer ( find a watch that has a countdown timer every beep would freeze or unfreeze someone )

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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by Jay »

Magic Music player, music plays people must dance/strip Expect for owner/holder of player (different people could hold it) pause the music freeze the people (would freeze if you were not holding player or posed someone and made them hold the player)

Great ideas all!

I like this one a lot LH!
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by dmuk »

I also like the "overly-made-up / artificial" look that mannequins embody; very generic expressions. Interactions are good; posing the frozen model, changing their clothes, carrying them (while they remain completely frozen and stiff) are all things I look for in a video. There should be some sort of plot/story that their freezing fits into, even if it's a store modeling job gone "wrong". Having the victim being aware of what's happening / has happened to them also contributes to the scene.

My favorite movie/TV clips are "Deadly Smorgasbord Affair" (Man from UNCLE), "Fine Art of Crime" (Wonder Woman), and the freezer scenes from "In Like Flint". The mannequin conversion in "Shipment to Beruit" (Get Smart) is also excellent, but I always thought they should have given "99" the treatment too! Come to think of it, Get Smart used the freezing/statue gimmick a few other times, but always too briefly. For some reason, the several Twilight Zone episodes (other than the iconic "The After Hours") never had that much appeal for me...
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by JordanaLeigh »

wow!! thanks everyone! you guys are awesome!! i am going to work on a few new plots right away...

how do you guys suggest doing the 'mannequin' look? i think that would only work with really pale girls...?

and Lord Hypnos, thank you sO much for your in-depth suggestions!! I am slightly confused about a few things, though, and would love to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. can you possibly email me? my email is modeljordana1422@gmail.com

Thanks again, everyone!

Jordana :)
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by window dressee »

oow, seems I'm too late - it always takes so much time to regain mobility after a shift dressing the window as mannequin :-)


My favorite is:
the girl _wants_ to become a mannequin/statue.

E.g. she becomes addicted to the drug / ray / spray / whatever-freeze-device,
or some brain-washing device (Alyce band, tiara, headpiece, pillbox hat, top hat, ...) controls her mind into a wanna-be-mannequin,
or ...

As willing mannequin-to-be, no cumbersome tricks are needed to make her mount platform and base plate, to make her keep a pose,
but she is eagerly anticipating to enter the display and get into her (artificial, very mannequinish) pose.

The process freezes part after part, while the unfrozen parts can examine her already stiff parts
(best with some ray or spray device; the willing victim can ask which body part to freeze next ...);
two willing mannequin-to-bes (standing next to each other), can examine each others body.

Mind-control special:
the villain-girl, who despises the mind-controlled mannequin-to-bes for their eagerness and anticipation, gets her own medicine!
She is somehow bound (e.g. by some diluted mannequinizer drug);
some 3rd persons explains what will happen; then the mind control device is applied to her; she tries to escape, fights, panics, but is unable to avoid the device ...
... and then she can no longer understand: "Why did I hesitate so long? Of course I like to dress your window display - please make me a mannequin!"

base plate special:
there is a base plate;
in simple form, this is just a circular plate;
in more sophisticated form, there is a support-rod-look-a-like, about calf height (and she intentionally places her feet such that the rod touches her calf - sliding onto the rod ...);
and/or a pair of sandals is glued/screwed onto the base, and ankle straps bond her not only to the shoes, but also to the base ...

crotch special:
mannequins have a smooth crotch;
some panties (in color "nude", almost invisible), or a latex slip are smoothing her looks


ok, my visual merchandiser is calling - my base plate is waiting to be mounted by its mannequin - me ...
window dressee
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by dmuk »

JordanaLeigh wrote:how do you guys suggest doing the 'mannequin' look? i think that would only work with really pale girls...?
Generally, what I've seen is a heavy application of a lighter-color base, which makes the blusher and shadow seem really distinct, along with very "evening" eye makeup, gives a very mannequin-like appearance (even looking a little shiny enhances the 'painted on' effect). For the skin, use pale body makeup wherever its exposed. Although a lighter shade is typical of display figures, what's key to creating the illusion is being the same all over; no tan lines etc. A plastic or over-lacquered wig is a good addition too, along with almost-skin-tone nail colors...
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by juva »

2 words... body paint. :)
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by simonjedi »

As luck would have it.. that is exactly what the custom i recently ordered contains ;)
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by CupC »

once the girls are made up as mannequins (according to dmuk's suggestions),
place them behind glass:
e.g. in a show case like girlsgonehypnotized Image,
or in your shower cubicle or behind a glass door to balcony ...
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by juva »

simonjedi wrote:As luck would have it.. that is exactly what the custom i recently ordered contains ;)
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by JordanaLeigh »

thanks again guys! i sooo appreciate all your help and suggestions!

@window dressee:

what do you mean by "plate" and rod"? i dont have any fancy furniture to do that stuff on :cry:
Also, i love your 'girl wants to become a mannequin" suggestion...thanks!! If i only have myself and another model to work with, would you suggest only one girl (the mannequin-to-be) in that clip? Or, should there be another person (as the non-mannequin, administering the special freeze ray or drug?

and thanks @dmuk! i'm gonna try that!!

by the way, for bodypaint, do you guys only like gold? (i just shot a gold paint one, not released yet)

and @cupC, if i had a giant glass dome, like that, i would! but i cant afford those types of props :-/
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by juva »

JordanaLeigh wrote:..for bodypaint, do you guys only like gold? (i just shot a gold paint one, not released yet)
Gold is my preference. Silver (imo) just looks a little washed out in the movies I have seen. Any customs I have had were gold. :)
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by greneker03 »

JordanaLeigh wrote:thanks again guys! i sooo appreciate all your help and suggestions!

@window dressee:

what do you mean by "plate" and rod"? i dont have any fancy furniture to do that stuff on :cry:
Also, i love your 'girl wants to become a mannequin" suggestion...thanks!! If i only have myself and another model to work with, would you suggest only one girl (the mannequin-to-be) in that clip? Or, should there be another person (as the non-mannequin, administering the special freeze ray or drug?

Jordan, most mannequins are held up thru a display rod and plate. Most of them are inserted into their ass to hold them up, You can find a few of these at store display fixture stores, or you can talk to some of us nicely and we can arrange a way to ship you one. I actually built one for a cam model that I created an attachment that was able to attach her vibrator to and slip it into her. she then covered herself in a makeup and used the rubber band trick I mentioned to make herself appear like an actual mannequin. I can certainly send you a photo if you like.
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by mannequinmetallic »


I think I speak for all to say we'd love a photo preview of your gold shoot. For that matter, we'd all like to see the photo you mentioned, Greneker.
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by window dressee »

JordanaLeigh wrote:thanks again guys! i sooo appreciate all your help and suggestions!

@window dressee:

what do you mean by "plate" and rod"? i dont have any fancy furniture to do that stuff on :cry:
Also, i love your 'girl wants to become a mannequin" suggestion...thanks!! If i only have myself and another model to work with, would you suggest only one girl (the mannequin-to-be) in that clip? Or, should there be another person (as the non-mannequin, administering the special freeze ray or drug?
aboput "plate and rod":
I prefer calf height support rod; unless the mannequin wears floor-length skirts (or trousers *brr*), passers-by can see where it is "grounded";
for an example see here: http://onlymannequins.com/photos/F-Ros1-4.jpg

This "pedestal" was tinkered by myself:
http://windowdressee.deviantart.com/gal ... base-2-EvW

I could tinker yet another device, including a rod of my preferred height, adjustable to the actual models position;
the box used to store it can also serve as platform to put the mannequin-to-be on an elvated place.
we could talk via PN about details ...

about second girl:
in any case, there should be a second girl in the clip!
The mannequin-to-be needs a sidekick, who explains and is partner for dialogue
("that drink / ray / head piece makes you want to become a mannequin!" / "oh no, I _always_ wanted to dress your window - I was just to shy to admit it!"),
who helps to become a mannequin (mount the plate, adjust the rod, administers the freeze device; "now check your frozen legs / bosom / arm!")
and be a mannequin (pose her; undress it)!

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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by CupC »

JordanaLeigh wrote:thanks again guys! i sooo appreciate all your help and suggestions!
@cupC, if i had a giant glass dome, like that, i would! but i cant afford those types of props :-/
yeah, it was just the proposal to check your studio and shower for re-usable props;
in my DIY-store every second shower cabin has clear glass, but everybody owns the frosted glass only ...
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by HypnoGold »

mannequinmetallic wrote:Jordana,

I think I speak for all to say we'd love a photo preview of your gold shoot. For that matter, we'd all like to see the photo you mentioned, Greneker.
And who gets painted gold? You, or another model? :)
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by JordanaLeigh »

thanks, everyone!~ those pedestal pics are great! i just still have noo idea how to obtain that stuff. or if id be able to afford it, though!!

as for the gold statue clip, it was of me :) as soon as i edit it, i will post preview pics!

by the way, i did add a new Freeze clip, "Frozen Crush", BUT, please keep in mind, if you buy it, that it was filmed a few months ago, waay before all of your great suggestions!!

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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by simonjedi »

I didn't realise you had another gold film in the pipeline?
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by JordanaLeigh »

so do you guys think i should just go ahead and make a mannequin clip without the pedestal? can you recommend an everyday household item i could use?
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by HypnoGold »

JordanaLeigh wrote:as for the gold statue clip, it was of me :)
Awesome. I just sent you a custom request for more body painting. We'll make you a different color this time ;)
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Re: I'd Love Some Suggestions!

Post by JordanaLeigh »

thank you! i didnt get ti yet though! where did you send it?
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