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Do women want...

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:57 am
by Cyborg1984
I'm wondering if there are women in the forum that are interested in freeze films starring men?
We primarily see females being frozen, seeing as how the vast majority in the forum are male.
Just curious, is all.

Re: Do women want...

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:11 pm
by meh
There was at least one dude freeze movie from one of those TS Japanese producers that I know about, but honestly I don't think that most women are as open to searching and watching this type of stuff as men are. Or at least not as open to admitting it. That's probably why there's no market for it besides that one movie.

Re: Do women want...

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:25 am
by JonMcW
meh wrote:There was at least one dude freeze movie from one of those TS Japanese producers that I know about, but honestly I don't think that most women are as open to searching and watching this type of stuff as men are. Or at least not as open to admitting it. That's probably why there's no market for it besides that one movie.
I was unaware of a guy TS movie, has anyone seen this? I'd be interested to hear if its any good or not. You can private message me if you dont want to post.

Re: Do women want...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:27 pm
by meh
I saw it a very long time ago, I think it was floating around the web a few years ago but it's probably something that can be found using a google search. It was an interesting twist on the whole ts thing since it's almost always about guys freezing girls and honestly frozen women are easier to let the mind go with. I watched the whole movie and from what I remember it was women freezing the dudes and just giving them blow jobs but what really felt silly was that it was supposed be frozen moments in time and you can't make a guy who's frozen get an erection unless he already has one, it just won't work since there's no blood flowing but that's probably my OCD talking.

I remember one scene where it was guys playing baseball and the chick stops time and gives the hitter a bj right on the spot, it was kinda funny.

Re: Do women want...

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:21 pm
by Freezetag
It depends. Most porn producers are men and men trying to do erotica for a female audience generally miss the mark. For me, I'll take freeze subjects of any gender as long as the quality of the video is exceptionally good, by which I mean flawless freezes, consistent poses, and ideally an interesting premise or story. So many videos are mainly ordinary porn with timestop just being a plot device, and that's unappealing. Context and aesthetics are more important to woman than to men in porn and we're harder to please. There's a whole world of frozen men yet to be explored in video, it would just take the right combo of producer/director who is a dyed in the wool fetishist (and ideally a woman), good actors and budget.