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Freeze Scene Report 5-24-06

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:47 pm
by Guy Talon

There are many freezes in this film, but the only ones involving women are two - one in the beginning when the main character is walking through a lobby. When he stops to read from a book, everyone freezes. The women are mainly in the background, facing away from us, and the poses are not good. The second scene isabout 37 minutes in, when a group of older businesmen keeping freezing the hallway to say their lines of dialogue. There are some nice poses from the women - look for the woman in green with the big glasses.


At the end of the movie, Hammy (Steve Carell) moves so fast that everything around him seems frozen, including the sexy woman who is trying to kill the animals. It's animation, but still, it looks pretty good.


I just saw the trailer. Martin Short plays Jack Frost. He can freeze people and things by blowing on them. There is a brief shot of him blowing on a thirty-something couple. So there are high hopes here.


I read the script. Here is a list of freeze scernes to expect:
- when Adam brings the remote home, he accidentally pauses Kate Beckinsale twice.
- later, while Adam is using the remote to fast forward through a boring dinner with the family, he stops periodically to see where he's at, and each one of these "stops" is a freeze scene, described in detail in the script, and all involving Kate Beckinsale (as well as the rest of the family). If it's anything like that video-pause in the trailer, then it won't be good. But I am hoping they were daring and did live action freezes.
- Adam pauses people at work several times in the middle of the script, and these scenes always include the two hot models who are always around Hasselhof. In a conference room, he freezes everyone to find the source of a fart, and sees a frozen woman sitting in the corner looking embarrassed.
- As in the second trailer, Adam pauses Kate when she asks him what their song is. Not sure if this is live action or not - can't tell from the brief shots in the trailer.
- Toward the end, Adam freezes Kate while is yelling "I hate you!" He keeps her frozen for awhile, then unfreezes her later.
- In the end, Adam freezes a wedding reception to play a joke on a guy. Kate is there, but probably in older-woman make-up.


There is nothing in this film. Don't waste your money or your time. It's also an incredibly bad film. No female freezes at all!

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 2:10 am
by meh
Nice job GT, is there a new trailer out for click that has the song part?

I'll try to find it on apple I guess. :)

BTW Is there a trascript of the scipt available on the net?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:28 am
by Jay
Thanks for the heads up!

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 11:21 am
by The Freeze Fan
You can find the second Click trailer on this page, just scroll down

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:01 pm
by Jay
wow, I hope there is a live freeze with Kate, she is one of my favorite hotties. :D

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:43 pm
by Jay
Just an update on Motel man. I was posted somewhere that this series was going to have some time stop in it somewhere.