amusing twitter thread

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Corey Fantoccini
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amusing twitter thread

Post by Corey Fantoccini »

Lots of references to some of our favorite cultural touchstones! ... 9947475968
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Re: amusing twitter thread

Post by zapped13 »

Nice find Corey.

Growing up in the seventies (when the mannequin modeling craze first broke), one of us asked my mom where mannequins came from. She told us, “Those are people that were caught shoplifting.” I was disturbed by the idea that a store could actually do this to someone and get away with it. She backed that up by pointing out the two-way windows where they watched over you and added “Sometimes they take kids just for behaving badly.” I was terrified to go into a dressing room or any restrooms after that. One day we were coming down an escalator just like that in the picture. There was a group of mannequins posed on a dais at the bottom, and I clearly saw one of them move her arm. I immediately pointed in alarm, “I just saw that mannequin move! Was she stealing?” “Yep, must be.” I remember it was a tall brunette with big hair wearing a blue dress. She winked at me as we walked by, but never broke character otherwise. I’ve been obsessed with this nonsense ever since. :lol:
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