Wordpress or HTML5 for a small company website ?

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Wordpress or HTML5 for a small company website ?

Post by yendis »


My boss recently asked me to takeover maintenance and update of our company website. :?
This is a small company with less than 10 people

My knowledge of HTML is very basic & still "stuck" in the Netscape era

I am thinking whether I am better off learning HTML5+CSS or just learning something new/different for the task --> Wordpress ??

Reason why I think of Wordpress is I dislike coding, I rather prefer layout/designing look of webpage...

Any suggestions or comments welcome !!

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Re: Wordpress or HTML5 for a small company website ?

Post by tinyspider »

I'm a WordPress developer, so I'm obviously pretty biased. But a CMS platform such as joomla or wordpress will definitely help you deliver a complex website very fast while fulfilling your company requirements pretty easily. You can use a variety of free and paid plugins and themes to extend the functionality of the site. I've done from e-shops to complex sites with e-learning tools and role based resource management. If you wanna start working with wordpress as a developer I suggest picking up this book (remember to make you boss pay for it :wink: ). PM if you have more questions.
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Re: Wordpress or HTML5 for a small company website ?

Post by HypnoGold »

Kirby is fantastic.

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Re: Wordpress or HTML5 for a small company website ?

Post by DarkNS »

Get Drupal, Joomla or another CMS like that, get a nice Template for it, customize and you'll have a more than acceptable corporate website.
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Re: Wordpress or HTML5 for a small company website ?

Post by harker »

DarkNS wrote:Get Drupal, Joomla or another CMS like that, get a nice Template for it, customize and you'll have a more than acceptable corporate website.
Take note, Wordpress learning curve is gentle, and plugins do a lot, you don't even need to know HTML, php or really coding (it helps a lot), also usability has been the motto on the last years + their 5 min super easy install (disclaimer wordpress dev and doing for $$, even wrote scripts to migrate from other CMS to wp), but from my personal experience, Joomla is easy to use but terrible for hosting, hungry on resources complex to add plugins a nightmare to maintain and to my taste too slow... Drupal was my main platform before WP, but the learning curve is step and today even with ease you can get a nice site going, but to do interesting things you need to learn a lot more than the other two, also think on drupal as a framework that can do CMS and WP like a CMS oriented to blogs, but capable of doing much more... but don't take my word for granted why no test the three the only "hard" part is to create/set database.

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