ASFR - pre internet?

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ASFR - pre internet?

Post by Freezetag »

This is something I've been thinking about. I "came of age" at about the same time the internet came along, and am kind of interested in the experiences of a freeze fan before the internet...what did you do? Was there anything like an ASFR community before the internet? Do you think they're putting more freeze scenes into TV or movies than 20 -30 years ago, or is it simply easier to find with the proliferation of vid clips and stories? And on a more personal note, do you think participation in the ASFR community, and the internet in general, has changed or deepened your fetish at all, or turned you on to other kinks that you might not otherwise have considered?
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Post by Basilisk »

I grew up pre internet, and I just thought I was the only person into that kind of stuff.

In general, there was lot more of that kind stuff in mainstream movies etc.. Mainly because the Damsel in Distress was a staple of the sci-fi/adventure genres until the "ass kicking heroine" came along. I think they were also not as afraid to be campy or corny.

Small market fetish stuff has really boomed, but unfortunately (to me anyway) The statuephile has lost out in this arena, as it takes a little more budget and effort to pull off than a time stop or hypno scene.

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Post by zapped13 »

I grew up pre internet, and I just thought I was the only person into that kind of stuff.

First of all, I think I have written hour long paragraphs on this type of thing back when I posted on "living Mannequin Circle", so I will keep this as brief as possible...however, even after four years, this still blows my mind.
I can remember the very day...(and at the risk of sounding like a total cheese-ball)...that I found out that I wasn't the only person into this kind of stuff. It was thanksgiving Day, 2003. Everybody was lying around in the living room at my parents house after the big meal, and my brother and I were looking at the insane price that musclecar parts were bringing on ebay. I didn't know anything about "aol", or how much it bars, or even how to turn the thing on. I could have cared less about those types of things.
Once we got bored with searching around ebay, he showed me how to use the search bar, and then left the room. I had been on there for a couple hours digging around, and just for the hell of it...I typed in "mannequin modeling" can just imagine the surprise when dosman's site came up on the screen!!!
I honestly was in shock, or probably liken the experience to the very first time you ever got sloppy drunk as a teenager....I was in dreamland!
The thought that there was an entire community of people out there in the world into timestop, wind-up dolls, mannequinized women...or cryogenically frozen women absolutely never, ever crossed my mind!...I literally must have been on there for four or five hours, planted about two inches away from the monitor, whispering or mumbling to myself "HOLY SH#T!...I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS STUFF IS ACTUALLY ON HERE! " everytime something else appeared on the screen.
The very next day (black friday, mind you), I took some money out of the bank, and decided "today is the day I buy a PC" ... Luckily, I picked out the most expensive one that I could afford, so I wouldn't have to spend anytime disscussing what one to buy with any sales people....besides, I didn't know anything about them anyway, except for using the search bar.
Within a couple of hours, I had that thing unpacked, hooked up, and running off of one of those "free" aol trial cd's.
My only regrets, were 1) not buying a larger flat panel monitor. 2) I instantly turned into a recluse for the remainder of the weekend (and for a good portion of the following weeks), thus missing out on time that could have been spent with my younger brothers who had travelled 12 hours to new york state just to visit.
I can also remember pulling several all-nighters (on week nights) once I found the "Legacy of Timeless Beauty" site. I can remember guys joking about my newfound love of computers, saying "You look like you haven't slept for days...must have finally found out how to access the adult sites, eh?"
I would just wearily smile, and say ah yeah...something like that.
And yes, prior to my discovery of the outside world, I had about two or three dozen vhs tapes with snippets of obscure freezes, and a secret stash of pictures cut from sears catalogs, magazines, comic book covers etc. Hell, the release of the "California Girls" video took up a solid two years of my life alone...there was no youtube back in them days. If you wanted to see two rows of posed hotties frozen in bikini's, then you stayed up until 3 am waiting for MTV's rotation to circle through mister....
I even remember having a trapper keeper full of hand drawings, mostly of women covered with or frozen in blocks of ice. I also had some drawings where women were being attacked by giant spider's. Some stored away and hanging, cocooned from the roof of some remote cave...while others were entangled in webbing in restaurant chairs, locker rooms or at cheerleading practice.
Then one of my little brothers found them and decided to bring them all out for everybody to see one day. Those were all destroyed in the fireplace by my father of course.
Then "v" came along and I started from scratch all over again. This time around, my drawings changed to cryo-chambers. I must have had atleast a hundred of them (honestly, I had a shirt box packed to the top, with rubberbands holding both halves together)...fully colored by hand...brunettes, redheads, blondes, you name it.
I began taping the pages together to give the illusion that you were walking along the floor of the ship, viewing the victims, one after the other. It got to the point where it took too long to draw the chambers by hand, so I started going down to the local library and burning off copies a dozen at a time from one page pre-drawn with four chambers (including the small "air bubbles", as well as the "guide-rails that were mounted around them). That worked so well, I decided that I needed victims of varying ages and shapes...after all, If these guys were taking over the world, all of the women wouldn't be 18-25 and perfect ten's right? So that was when I started experimenting with the shrinking or size setting. I must have made a dozen trips or more down to the library, reducing or enlarging my pre-drawn nude figures, constantly looking over my shoulder thinking..."Man if I get caught, how am I going to explain this one?"
One time, I even left the original in the printer, and made it half way across the parking lot, when some considerate woman tracked me down and said "excuse me, but you left your...figure drawing assignment in the printer!" My face must have been fire engine red when she handed the paper to me. I did the best I could, and said "oh yeah..I need that for class."...I'm not so sure she was convinced, but then again...I was pretty damned good at it, and what other explanation could there be?
A few days later, I forked over $400 for a brand new printer...just so I would never have to go back to the library again. (yes, back in those days they were expensive, and huge)...I had to constantly hide the thing in my closet when company stopped by, in case somebody asked what I would actually need a printer for...
Pretty soon, I started adding little captions to the drawings (as if somebody were to read them...they would need to know how that girl ended up in stasis in the first place right?) However, the writing would take up to much space in the drawing, so eventually I started filling up little notebooks, then moved on to normal sized notebooks. I eventually had a trapper keeper full of written stories after fifteen years or so.
Once I saw the various photo manipulations, and eventually the poser renderings on the internet....everything I had ever hand-drawn, became outdated and in some way silly at that point. I dug out all of my old drawings and pre-drawn figures that I had locked in a office cabinet ( now hidden in the back of my own bedroom closet in my own home). As I ran every one of them through the shredder, I remember thinking "Man, I can't even imagine how much time I had involved in these!" Some of those drawings covered a period of fifteen to twenty years....

On the good side of all of this, I was lucky enough to go out with two different longterm girlfriends that both got a kick out of my obsession, and even lived out several asfr related fantasies with me.

So I guess as far as the internet changing anything, it has made it a lot more easier to find stuff. I can afford to throw more money at it these days...but I can also remember spending countless hours at the video store, reading every back cover of every tape in the store...looking for that one sentence that might contain the words fembot, mannequin, wind-up doll, quick-frozen or timestop. I tossed a lot of money away on that sort of thing, and I do miss the "thrill of the hunt" at finding that one possible freeze scene. But I would much prefer looking for it on my computer instead, these days.... 8)
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Post by WK »

I've just been lurking on this board for ages, but this thread's got me all nostalgic. I guess I've been around about as long as anyone who's still here, with the possible exception of my good friend Dmuk. Growing up pre-internet, I would come up with all sorts of complex storylines in my head, often set in the worlds of books I'd read (Oz, Pern, etc.) Sometimes, I would write them down, along with sketches and floorplans of the locations they were set in. These super-secret files were kept buried in my closet (I still have them). When I was older and had a VCR (Beta!) in my room, I would tape scenes from TV when I could find them. When I went off to college, I started driving around at night and taking 35mm photos of mannequins (until I almost got arrested one night!) I never really considered that there were other people like me.

I remember the first time I got on the Internet in 1995 during my first year of grad school (using Netscape on a UNIX box). It was about a year later that I finally had Internet access in a private office (I only had email at home) and started searching for pictures of mannequins etc. One day, I stumbled across (Robotdoll's site, anyone else remember him?) and everything changed. There weren't a lot of pictures, but lots of stories, and the nucleus of the Master List (which I later took over). James ML had a lot of mannequin pictures (although he used a different screen name back then) and also lots of stories. I used to print all the stories out (late at night on a shared printer) and take them home. Lots of sites have come and gone, or faded into obscurity over the last decade. I guess Dosman has had the best staying power, and I'd like to think that I had a small part in that for a while.

I don't get much time for this sort of thing much anymore, as you can tell from my infrequent posts and updates, but my wife is mildly into this and indulges me now and then, so I can't complain.

Sometimes I do miss the pure fantasy of making it all up in my head, like a movie can change the way you imagine the book version, but there's so much more than I could ever have come up with on my own.
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Post by zapped13 »

I wish I had all of that stuff that I ran through the shredder but it's all long gone now!
I do still have my giant vhs and dvd collection though (currently packed away in a storage garage in Two giant tupperware containers)'s not as easy to hide 40 VHS tapes full of this stuff.
By the way, thanks for the contribution in the form of your site WK. I just used your "book list" two weeks ago and ordered the following on amazon:
"The shopping spree" this was very good, and the descriptions of the girl finding her friends "mannequinized" were well done considering it's a schoolastic type book.
"Gore Tour" totally sucked!...(but you get those every now and then)
I also ordered "lost in dreamland", and another book that wasn't mentioned on your list called "mannequin" by R.Byrne, of which the storyline is listed below and sounds more like timestop:
The title is a code name for a secret nerve gas that temporarily paralyzes those who come into its range. Gil Ellis, a chemical engineer involved in its development at a private company in Nevada, is killed before he can tell anyone besides his estranged wife that a shipment of the gas has been sold to Iraqi terrorists. The gas is loaded into three cars of a new high-speed freight train heading for Oakland, but another terrorist group, having learned of the sale, has set small explosives on the tracks along the way. As the gas slowly leaks out, people in towns along the railroad are frozen in place until rain finally frees them (the effect of the gas is dissipated by water). Meanwhile, Karen Ellis learns of a major explosion due in Oakland; with the help of a man who worked for the rail company, she races clock and train in an effort to avert disaster. The best parts of this made-for-TV-type thriller come on the railroad, including a smash-up climax in San Francisco Bay.
If this turns out to be decent, I'll send you a review...
I also remember a guy that had a list ..."iceman?" maybe...anyway, that was the first list I had seen mentioning the "wicked wish" episode, as well as many other scenes that I had never heard or seen before...I remember most of those descriptions given by heart! He also had a list of multiple questions asking about your favorite type of freeze, the expression on the woman's face, how she was posed etc...Unfortunately, I came along a little late to participate in that poll! :lol:
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Post by WK »

Thanks, I'll look forward to your review. I remember Iceman, at one time we collaborated on the list. In fact, you may notice that I still refer to the ratings as the "Iceman System".
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Post by Basilisk »

Yeah, I think the iceman site was where a lot of we freeze/statue folks first started contributing our movie, TV and comic memories. I sent him several pages of stuff that is still in the 'Master List'. The other sites before that focused on mannequins (James' original page) and robots (Robotdoll).

I won the 'frozen women' trivia contest that Iceman ran, one of the high points of my statuphile career. I wonder what the trophy would have been...

window dressee

Post by window dressee »

First, like most others, I thought I was alone with my fetish.

Just the film "Mannequin"
and then "carry on mannequin" (as re-run on tv).

I collected tons of bridal catalogs
(because many models for bridal gowns pose rather statue-like),
and wrote several short stories for my own
(but always just the end:
enter the shop, enter the display, become stiff, be happy forever).

1994 I found and from there James ML site;
1995 I wrote my first story to be made public
(because there were not enough stories published which hit my taste,
I said "do it yourself")
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Post by meh »

I don't remember a time when I wasn't interested in it. Get it? Yuk yuk. :lol:

I think the first show that completely captured my interest in the whole time thing was Out of this World where that girl could freeze time. From there it just spiraled out into what it is today.
Seize the moment.

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