Pentagon based "time cloak" stops time

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Pentagon based "time cloak" stops time

Post by tinyspider »

No, this is neither an Onion article, nor a fantasy fiction. Scientists at Cornell University are developing a "technique" that bends the speed of light around "an event" hiding it from any observer. In layman's terms it kind of stops time. Of course for now works at an infinitesimal scale, but you have to keep in mind that if the pentagon allowed this information to be public it probably means the research is more advanced than they admit. I don't know what the future holds for that, but I'm sure what the 99.9% of members of this board would do if such device fall in their hands :lol:
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Re: Pentagon based "time cloak" stops time

Post by gottocollectthemall »

is not more invisible than stopping of time as time is relative if you bending light around object you is stopping light emiting from object then it is invisible not stopping of time just as you not see it because no light will not mean time flows i can not see you yet i know you is ageing like a star we can still see them yet they may have gone out we are looking into past because of time light reaches us time has not stopped its relative light has no effect on time unless you can travel faster that it at which pointtime do not stop you just move faster from a-b you still age as do others not traveling at same speed as you example if we both work at same plae we live in same home we go work at same time we end of day same time you go work with car i travel in my craft faster than light we do the same at end day i will still have aged the same amount as you only time stop effect is while traveling i would see things move slower if i traveld backwards as it would take longer for light emited from object to hit my eye and work with brain to identify motion which is a indication of time. this is why we say we see time passing us by because we see things moving getting older dieing. but move faster than speed of light away from a ticking cloack and you would not see it tick not because light is bent around it but because light has not reached us from reflection of clocak to show the motion of the ticking hand

sorry very bad engelish. (invisible no time stop when bending of light)
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