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Freeze content for trade?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 7:02 pm
by M. Mobilizer
Hello, fellow mavens...didn't know if this was the correct area to post, but I have the RBP Living Dolls 12 vid, among other tidbits, for trade. Those who have seen "The 1st Freezing", the (now famous?) first part of the video will not be disappointed. Alicia and Tanya are quite entertaining.

If I am posting inappropriately, I apologize. Just wanted to get it out there, but not in a "me, me, me" manner. Please advise if I am not following the correct protocol.

...hold it right there...!

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:07 pm
by Tekka
lol well, the only thing i would offer to trade is free art. uhm, i don't think it covers the cost of the vids u have thou.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:53 pm
by el salvador
i have a large collection of freeze vids on my computer. u can PM me if u want

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:14 am
by meh
I'm useless since everything I have I got from here. :P

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:01 am
by Tekka
well to be honest i would most certainly wanna see the vid he has, although it would probably take me a while to come up with enough art pieces to justify the trade. Even then he would have to keep them in his personal collection. I'm not even sure El salvador was talking to me or damaqk. Still my offer stands.


Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:54 am
by el salvador
i meant damaqk. but Tekka, if u have any vids i can trade

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:50 pm
by Tekka
ah, well i only have one oh vhs from guytalon's stuff. uhm Never a doll moment. so i don't really have much else expect that and some of the stuff here or was here anyway.


Re: Freeze content for trade?

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:41 pm
by Lord Hypno
All Right Mr Frozen Films please don't SPAM your message that you want to trade one post is enough i have deleted 10 of them so far Also your getting on my last nerve i'm Sorry i would not give you all my videos for free. And I'm willing to forget that begged me and all my face book friends for free stuff, and also trying to extort Video's from me so you wont sell them in Makati i can let go all that go. Please don't push me I'm trying to be a nice laid back guy

Do NOT Trade Commercial Content that can still be Purchased Doing so will hurt me and Make me close my site this site and Make a whole lot of people sad it's that simple

Sorry Everyone For the Public Rant I tried Private first

Re: Freeze content for trade?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:20 am
by Zero
It's cool I'm sick of it too.

Re: Freeze content for trade?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:09 am
by m82261
It's not right to trade commercially available content. Especially on a site where most of the producers are members. All it does is hurt our small community. I have over 300GB of files mostly bought from these producers and have thought about trading before but realized what it could do to the availability of new vids if these producers aren't at least making some of there money back. I am happy to buy thier vids knowing it helps to create more in the future. I have posted vids on the tube before but only after making sure they aren't available for sale by the producer any where else.

P.S. I'm still waiting on a new set of vids Lord Hypno teased about a while back. His and FFF are some of my favorites.

Re: Freeze content for trade?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:39 am
by HypnoGold
I echo Lord Hypno's sentiments. If people start trading material and our sales drop we're just going to stop making it. It's that simple. Nobody doing this is getting rich and if we have to lose money to provide fresh content how long do you think that is going to last? So it is in the very best interest of this community to put a stop to trading schemes as soon as they show up.

I would ask the moderators of this board to institute a policy against trading commercially available material that calls for the expulsion of posters to violate the rule.