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Freeze Frame Effect

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:16 pm
by Nickel Dakota
Hi All -

So, I've never actually made a request before so I figured now's the time.
I'm not sure how everybody else feels about this but I do happen to be a tremendous fan of any sort of freeze frame effect in regards to a female character having this applied to her. I know most people like live freezes, and I'm certianly a fan of those as my movies illustrate but I've also been very fond of the traditional freeze frame if applied correctly. And no, pausing a video myself just isn't the same.

Some shows that come to mind:
Watching Ellie - The short lived sitcom with Julia Louis Dreyfuss had an abundance of these when evertime it cuts to a commercial they applied this effect on her, usually when she was in the midst of some dramatic expression and then unfroze the frame when the show resumed. Unfortunately, it seems that this show will never resurface on DVD or anywhere else for that matter.

Dick Clark's Bloopers and Practical Jokes - A freeze frame effect was applied at the end of each take of various bloopers especially when female chracters would flub their lines. I believe it run son TBS but very hard to find elsewhere.

Charmed - Yeah, I do like video freezes but this show f-cked them up quite a bit by having mostly men freeze or women freeze with blank expressions on their faces.

Anyway, can anyone refer me to any shows (or even movies) where this effect is applied in any form on female characters that might be accessible on Youtube or DVD, etc.?

I don't watch TV much these days so I don't know if anything new has re-surfaced.

Any suggestions or referrals would be greatly appreciated.
