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Very cool friend I made on youtube...

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:41 am
by Jay
You might know her already if you are a hypnosis fan. But Ive been having conversations with this lady who says she'd be willing to make freeze video for us on youtube. All that she asks is that you leave her feedback and subscribe. She says if she gets enough requests, subscribtions, feedback etc. she'll make an unlimited amount of freeze vids for us. She seems super nice in all of the chats we've had.

She told me she was going to practice some freezing in her latest vid, and she does. If you watch the video, she freezes during it for a few seconds.
(please leave feedback about her freezing!)

Here is her channel:

Ok all, I just wanted to throw that out there!

Re: Very cool friend I made on youtube...

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:49 pm
by Jay
Jay wrote:You might know her already if you are a hypnosis fan. But Ive been having conversations with this lady who says she'd be willing to make freeze video for us on youtube. All that she asks is that you leave her feedback and subscribe. She says if she gets enough requests, subscribtions, feedback etc. she'll make an unlimited amount of freeze vids for us. She seems super nice in all of the chats we've had.

She told me she was going to practice some freezing in her latest vid, and she does. If you watch the video, she freezes during it for a few seconds.
(please leave feedback about her freezing!)

Here is her channel:

Ok all, I just wanted to throw that out there!

Had a few different people ask me why Alice closed her account. Basically some people made some comments to her that kinda "creeped her out"(her words).
While she is new to our perticular areas of interests(freezing), people really should be careful what they say to her.
Sending her a comments like:
"Would it turn you on to be sprayed in hot wax and trapped forever as a wax figure in my living room for my own personal display?"

Yeah, this one really freaked her out.

I mean, seriously people, how do you think a 19 year old girl is going to react to this? lol

Re: Very cool friend I made on youtube...

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:25 pm
by Puppetmaster
Thanks for letting us know Jay.

Yeah... I can't say I blame her one bit.

In all honesty I think some people are too pushy when it comes to this sort of thing. They don't realize they should be grateful for what they get, and then they go and ruin it for everyone else who are just trying to have a good time.

I can't for the life of me understand why someone would try and push their own personal fantasies (especially ones that are darker) on someone they barely know. Especially after she had posted a few clips (I think) saying that she was getting a bit overwhelmed with the response. I guess that just comes along with the anonymity the Internet offers.

In any case, hopefully she will consider giving it another shot some time, I thought she was pretty cool.

Re: Very cool friend I made on youtube...

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:10 pm
by LsDarkman
Dang man thats mest up and I agree why would someone just ruin it for everyone with that stupid ass comment.. I hope if she makes another account she disable comments and make her profile private accept friends and mature people.... :S Arg..... well atleast she tried...I respect her that much.

Re: Very cool friend I made on youtube...

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:53 am
by clockwork

I pretty much agree with the sentiment here. FWIW, If you are able to, please relay a message that I hope that she would reconsider. I, for one, would be glad to answer any questions about my perspective in the fetish. please feel free to send her my email


Re: Very cool friend I made on youtube...

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:22 am
by simonjedi
Sorry for the bump but i found this on her video:
2 days ago

Everyone ..please send a message to??? emissuperhot.

For the Alice's Return.
So do it and try not to fuck it up.

Re: Very cool friend I made on youtube...

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:07 pm
by simonjedi
Good news everyone !* She's agreed to come back

*To be read in farnsworth's voice.

Re: Very cool friend I made on youtube...

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:40 pm
by M. Mobilizer
Greetings, fellow mavens!

To piggyback off of the original gist of the thread (hello, Jay) -- in the immortal words of Yoda...

"...there is, another..."

I don't know if any of us have made contact yet (I have not, personally) but here is the link to her channel --

It is...ok stuff, I suppose. She does at least put in the effort. 5 vids so far, at the time of this writing.

But, who are we to complain? How often does THIS come along, damnit? :wink:

For the record...I think she is working on improving the freezes and her video resolution...but, I also must say, as simonjedi did previously state -- let's try not to f@#% it up. Leave the weirder comments for this forum, please...and if any of you DO choose to contact her (free country) -- I just ask that we welcome this potential sister to our world with open, "normal" arms. :wink:

