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Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:16 am
by Guest
is there a way you could put the clips on rapid share this site is way too slow

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:09 am
by Lord Hypno
get flash get or some downloading program it help's

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:49 pm
by Guest
i have a top of the line computer normally get wmv clips in seconds it takes over 5 minutes here

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:15 pm
by Lord Hypno
ok i can tell your a N00b you can have a 3 Petahertz system with 2 Exabyte's of ram and a OC3 back Haul (that's a 155 Megabit) but if the site your trying to access is overloaded your only going to get 5 to 7 kb a sec what the Downloader prog's do is give you that 5 to 7 kb a sec times 10 because they dont use one port like your brower does they use 10 so you can maxamize the bandwith they also give you the ability to resume where you left off as for this site being slow yes something's it is but last night i go 500kb a sec

you'll just have to hit the site at the right time besides there's got to be more then a GIG of clips here puting them all on rapid share would take month's if you looking for one clip i mite be able to help is some way

oh and why dont you register MR guest (it''s one of my pet peeves)

And if this post upset any one SORRY.
if it was technically incorrect please correct me (i dont know everything... yet!!! )

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:28 pm
by FreezeTek
hi guest. I've tested servage and they do seem to be extremely slow. There's nothing I can do about it. If you want faster speeds please use flashget or something else that can somewhat overcome the bandwidth restrictions I have to currently deal with.

PS: because I'm just about sick to death with servage restrictions I may be closing this site when it runs out in May, Sorry guys but with the LMC going down I just don't have my heart in it anymore. :?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:37 pm
by meh
NOoooooooooo don't say that BT. :(

Yeah I'm getting 2kb transfer rates, and yes I have to redownload stuff four times or more, but I don't care, it's something I wouldn't of had if this place wasn't here. For that I'm greatful and if this place goes, it'll be the death of the ts/freeze scene for me. I really hope that doesn't happen, I really don't.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:44 pm
by Jay
It would be a real shame to lose what youve started here BT. I really hope you decide to keep it going.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:52 am
by yendis
why don't each us of chip ina little $$$ to help BT in covering the cost of running this board ? Say $5 - $10 per person. For one, I would be more than willing to contribute to keep this site going ...


Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:46 pm
by FreezeTek
It's not the costs, $90 a year really isn't that much. It's the crappy service. I had hoped that I'd be able to offer up to 11 gig a day as servage advertises(now they advertise 17gig). In truth it's so restricted that barely 3 gigs get through in a given day. That's with people trying over and over because the files time out.

Another concern is the growing legislation being passed to protect copyrights. Currently in the US it is illegal to share even part of a movie/tv show without express permission of the MPAA. I could actually get sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars for allowing the sharing of clips that we've got so far. Being that our community is so small the risk seems small too but you never know.

I gave it a shot and we've shared tons of stuff in the last 9 months. But servage has gotten ridiculously slow (i.e. 2k per second my last check) and they don't deserve my repeat business for false advertising.

There's still 5 months to go on my current lease and bandwidth throttleing will be a topic I discuss with servage when they expect me to renew. Nothing is set in stone but be prepared for the worst. :(

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:21 pm
by FreezeTek
Holy Sh!t!!!

Maybe things will get better. I just clocked in at 250kb - 300KB. Please everyone don't start downloading everything. It appears that my site being down for a day has got my bandwidth restrictions turned off. If I notice that we are going to exceed 17 GIG I will take down the site.

Why not

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:57 pm
by 3mciv
Move to another Host? I currently host with Dreamhost, 1200GB monthly, for 116USD Yearly, 9USD monthly, I use a wep app for share audio... and I can allow public /private access, maybe a solution... ... rison.html See it for yourself ;D

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:34 pm
by FreezeTek
Hosting clips in which some come from movies and TV on a server based in the United States is a very bad idea I'm afraid. I have already checked dreamhost in California.

My guess is that there is no provider that actually wants their customers to maintain the max allowed bw limits. Servage seems to have fixed mine for now so maybe everything will be good from here on out. Plus I like hosting this stuff in a country other than the US.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:44 am
by Lord Hypno
wow i was looking at Dreamhost the face that they give you shell accell is nice there are some thing's that i dont like about servage but so far i cant complain

3mciv you stream audio do you think they would let a person run Teamspeak
(i'm a linux N00B) i know there is a linux Ver.

and basictek i hope you dont drop the site i know servage has been transering to a new datacenter


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:16 am
by 3mciv
They have a policy on running persistent process, and as I read from teamspeak running as a server I think the answer is no... btw, the KB says ... rd=process
