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end of month bounus

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:50 am
by gerson
Has anyone else experienced poor service with the end of the month bonus downloads, that were offered by from HypnoPimp? PurchaseTwenty five dollars worth of clips within the month, and free induction clip of choice.
Joe, I believe his name is, has forwarded nothing, and does not respond the my e-mails. Just interested if anybody else has in the community has experienced this?

Re: end of month bounus

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:47 pm
by thev
I have found that he has provided quick service although he did not respond to my last email when asked a question and given the answer expecting a reply but got nothing? But as for the bonus clip I did get my choice and a link for the down load with in a few mins of sending him the proof of purchase.
