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Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:33 am
by gottocollectthemall
Hello I have large collection videos and data I collected and paid over years and hoping advise in best web based storage site so could back up collection in case unforeseen incident since many producer here you could give advise on best site and why

thank you for you're time.

Re: Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:55 pm
by Puppetmaster
I'd suggest an external hard drive - you can get a good one for $100 or less.

As for web storage, I will leave that to other experts but I don't anticipate you can store a lot of data for free... (I may be wrong)

Re: Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:25 am
by gottocollectthemall
thank you for idea puppetmaster I have this atm but wish store files some where else I have 170gig of video if i got bad virus that destroyed system or fire,flood i loose every thing these reason for cloud storage.

Re: Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:16 am
by Lord Hypno ... -the-cloud here's review about a few different cloud storage's out of all of them Google look's to be the best. im my own option it's the most trusted name also, not that you spend a year uploading 170gb only to find out the company is going under, but i agree with Puppetmaster an external hdd not hooked up with all the data on it some place (and pass-worded with Truecrypt ) at a friends, family or locker at work does the job just as well IMO ... e?hl=en_US <--- Google's link

Re: Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:38 am
by gottocollectthemall
Thank you Lord Hypno for advise, i have trucrypt and use it on drives but i don't work i live alone in area with no friends, so have no where to store second hdd these are good ideas just not suitable for me. i will read cloud reviews i have to many videos to loose, they taken long time to amass library of films to loose.

Re: Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:17 pm
by thev
I use right now they have a very good deal on for premium membership it might be worth you taking a look at but some advise I've had no end of trouble using there standalone file manager it just keeps crashing and dropping out so I would steer clear of it there's no actual need to use it any as way you can upload/down load directly from the main web site it's self with no hassle.


Re: Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:02 pm
by gottocollectthemall
thank you thev i look at it.

Re: Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:46 am
by Raphael
gottocollectthemall wrote:thank you thev i look at it.
I sincerly hope you didn't go that route. And thev, I hope you made a backup to a local device ^_^

Cloud storage is a viable option, however for peace of mind (and value for money) you'd be better off backing up your data to an external device, sealing it, and burying it in a remote location... XD I'm sure some banks offer storage space for items, so perhaps you could look into that?

Re: Large collection of videos,data need back up advise.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:58 am
by gottocollectthemall
i use megaupload but we know site been closed, this unfortunate i use trucrypt to and have back up in external drive as suggested by Lord Hypno. pity lot of bandwidth wasted with mega that is life such shame when site used for legit reasons, that money paid is lost. i thought of paying life time membership happy i not now :/ i will give time things settle then look in it again.