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Darna Kuno (1979)

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:11 pm
by Guest
This Filipino film is a drag parody of the Darna (a Wonder-Woman clone) superhero film series. The latter third of the film features an alien which abducts brides on their wedding day, zapping them with a ray that causes them to disappear. Darna Kuno, searching for his fiancee, enters the alien ship and discovers a room full of brides in their wedding gowns, all of them frozen in their respective positions (various poses) at the moment of their abduction. He examines the frozen brides one by one, making side comments, before leaving to battle the alien. The scene lasts around 3-5 minutes.

Then, after Darna Kuno defeats the aliens, he returns to the room of frozen brides, and discovers that they remain frozen. After wondering aloud how to restore them, he tries kissing them one by one. It works, and eventually all of the brides, including his fiancee, are reanimated. The scene again lasts around 3-5 minutes.

The film is not available for sale in the Philippines, and is very rarely shown on local cable. Google says that a VHS copy is available at, but the website is down. The movie may be worth finding, as the freeze scenes are live-action, unusually lengthy, and most of the sequence is shot in long takes.[/url]

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:50 pm
by Marlowe
Are the brides female or men in drag? (you said drag parody)

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:30 pm
by Guest
female. mostly 20+, all Filipina.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:13 am
by Lord Hypno
well i hope it's good i just order a copy it should be here in a week or so

in the freeze are they frozen in different pose's (some running trying to get away) ? or when the alien show's up does he freeze them first so they are just standing there

Can you describe is better ?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:50 pm
by zapped13
for some reason, this seems familiar. are the frozen brides of the flesh or are they mannequins? :o