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Two of a kind (1983)

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:50 pm
by harker
At least two very good scenes, well one here to share. Full entry on IMDB. ... _Kind.html Restaurant

This come first on the movie ... ind_0.html It's good but all freeze are mostly in the background.

The other one not sure, too long for my taste and for file size, will try later on the weekend.

There is it the two segments of the movie.

Re: Two of a kind (1983)

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:19 pm
by Arno Strine
One of my favorite freezes growing up as a kid, especially the restaurant scene. I was very young when I first saw it, and I go back to watch it again to this very day.

I would like to remake the scene one day.

Re: Two of a kind (1983)

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:12 am
by meh
The restaurant scene is a classic!

I've never seen the movie so I wasn't aware that there's another freeze scene. What's in it?

Re: Two of a kind (1983)

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 7:28 pm
by Arno Strine
The entire movie is available online, if you search for it. Maybe even on YouTube.

There are a total of two freezes in the movie. The restaurant scene and one scene out in the middle of a street. John Travolta is killed in a tragic accident so his guardian angel rewinds time and freezes time right before the accident happens and talks to the Devil while time is stopped. I will be blunt, it is not as good or revealing as the restaurant scene.