Hello, I am new to this forum so if this is not the correct place where to post it, please just let me know where instead.
I like robots, but i do like a kind of robot that do not exist yet (and may never do depending on the situation).
I roleplay that i make robots that where once humans specially females, but, even if they are given the memoris and feelings of the human they where, they do need to be binded to some human. So in my stories robots cannot be free. they require ownership and they require a goal.
Also, when doing any rp done by me i am the one that creates and dictates how the robot works. As i am not a roboticist in real life but i am an electronic engineer and computer programmer. I know from assembly, C, some IA programming to visual basic, python and javascript.
so i kind of know really well how machines work (at this point)
not saying that other stories are not valid but not with me.
Also all the robots i made has to follow this 4 laws.
1) They cannot make any harm (physical or psicological) to their owner in any way.
2) They must obey every and all master Orders, but only if they are clearly orders. (unless conflict with rule 1)
3) They must prevent their owner property to be harmed, injured or damaged. (unless conflict with rule 1 and 2) (notice they count as property of their owner too for this)
4) they must protect all life unless comflict with any other rule.
(this way an owner order can actually order them to kill someome if he wants or even themselves)
Final but not required i want this to be the most graphical as possible