Can we create our own subreddit?

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Can we create our own subreddit?

Post by neisy03 »

So, I was trying to look for more people that have similar fantasies like ours in reddit, unfortunately, I can't post on subreddits so people may know about us. In my google, it says you will need more karma so you can post on subreddits.
But my account is just new and have no karma, in fact it turns negative for some reasons!

Now, can we just create our own subreddit where we will post, comment, and upvote each other so we can gain karma and go and post to other subreddits to find more people like us, especially potential partners?

I think we need to do this specially that lately, our community is stagnant. Nothing new contents appear. And if there is new, it is somehow from meh to ok.

This is just my suggestion. So, what's your opinion about this?
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Re: Can we create our own subreddit?

Post by tinyspider »

Well, there's a Discord Channel (not run by me), and there are also several subreddits dedicated to similar fetishes, of which I believe the one closest to our kink would be this one. Those communities move at about the same rate as us, a couple of posts per week. In case you're wondering why, it's because this is a very niche, very specific fetish, comprised of a small community, which means there's not really that much content to look for. I've been a member of this board since 2005 and it has always been like that; maybe a little more active back when there were no fetish content producers catering to our particular taste and we were all scattering to find freeze content in TV shows all around the world.

As for the finding potential partners part, I'm afraid, my friend, that you're in for a world of disappointment. It just doesn't work like that, in my opinion. There's not a bunch of unicorn gals with a mannequin fetish just waiting for the right dude to freeze them and live happily ever after. What you can find, though, is partners who are open minded and will happily indulge in your fantasies if you communicate your needs properly, and treat them with respect and consideration. I've been extremely fortunate in the sense that I have shared my fantasies with several different partners in many different stages in my life and have enacted them. For that to happen, I had to think and rationalize what I liked the most about this fetish, and most importantly, why I liked what I liked. Then I had to express that to my partner in a clear, concise way. Believe it or not, that takes quite the effort, as we usually just internalize our feelings and never specifically sit and think about them. I remember the first time a girl told me that she wanted to try my fantasy; I felt exactly like what Heath Ledger as the joker described in The Dark Knight: I've been a dog chasing cars all my life, and now that I caught one I don't even know what to do with it. It took a lot of thinking and conceiving fantasy scenarios, then communicating those to my partner, while being extremely attentive to their needs to do what I wanted to do, but it's definitely worth the effort.

So good luck with your quest, and if you decide to create a sub make sure to post it here so we can subscribe!
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Re: Can we create our own subreddit?

Post by neisy03 »

about the subreddit, it seems it is not worth the effort to create subs based on what you have said. man, i wish i just have the common fetish of men of just wanting nude women.

about looking for a partner, that's a very good advice about finding a partner. I really need it! at least you helped me live in reality instead in my expectations.
so, maybe just find a partner, respect and love them, then if you think that the relationship is strong and stable, that's the time to express your kink and see if she will grant you that. I hope to find one, i dont wanna be a miserable lonely man, neither a miserable husband.
thank you!
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