Chain story?

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Chain story?

Post by Zero »

Hey all. I've been frequenting the Legacy of Timeless Beauty Story Archives site hosted by our good friend Dmuk for a while now, as well as the basic boards here hosted by Freezetek, and I was wondering if some authors would like to get together and write a chain story, each author tackling a segment as it comes and we go on for a bit until we reach a conclusion.

Naturally to get this to work we'll need some basic rules. To start I'm going to poll people by asking the following:

1) would you like to participate?
2) What story setting would you like (IE fantasy, sci-fi, crime thriller, etc.)
3) What do you think is a fair restriction on how much an author can contribute at one time in terms of pages?
4) What kinds of things do you want people to avoid in the story in terms of content?

Obviously I'd also insist that authors obey bits created by the ones before them, making the whole story canon and not pulling a 'it was all a dream' bit for one author's chapter.

Here's my response to the questions:

1) Yes
2) Fantasy / Real-world crossover (an example being Drake's raider series)
3) I'd say each bit should between 4 to 8 pages
4) Lets not go overboard on the violence if there is any
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The Freeze Fan
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Post by The Freeze Fan »

1) Yes
2) fantasy and scifi
3) anywhere from a paragraph to dozen pages or so
4) I really don't know
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another 'yea' vote

Post by dmuk »

This is an easy one:

1) Yes
2) Any of those settings work, though I do like to maintain some tie to a "reality", be it current, past, or future. I'd like to suggest that the theme not be something that takes a lot of backstory to understand (such as anime or fanfics.)
3) Hmm, at least two pages, max of five; but how are you counting a page? In shooting script format (double-spaced, broken to scenes) double my first estimate; in e e cummings style (no punctuation singlespace stream) halve it.
I tend to get kinda wordy, so having a limit is a good thing!
4) No underage characters, no undue violence. No restrictions on the use of language or sex. I agree with the 'no PIOYA' idea Zero mentioned and would also suggest that there be no huge shifts in overall theme across the story. If you're wondering what I mean, screen the conclusion to "Blazing Saddles"...

If you don't get enough writers, maybe they would be willing to do two sections in rotation.

Oh; one more suggestion: Have a 'deadline' for each writer's section, otherwise things could drag on. How long? A day is too short; a month is too long. Maybe a week or two. I like to rewrite a little if there is time.

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Post by Zero »

Alrighty, we seem to have a bit of interest.

Now then, lets get down to the basics: How do you guys want to decide the order? Plus if you haven't made a suggestion for a setting, I recommend you make it now. Once we have that we'll have whoever ends up going first get the ball rolling and take it from there.

Based on the input from those involved here are the following elements to keep in mind (I'll be repeating these later):
1) story setting will be a fantasy one, which does include sci-fi, but use original characters that don't require referencing
2) People should contribute at least 2 pages per part for a maximum of six using a generic single space paragraph format (roughly 350 to 450 words a page)
3) In terms of restrictions we cannot have underage characters (focus ones anyhow, kids can appear just don't tie them into any of the main content of the story IE the freezing, nevermind nudity), nor should we get overly graphic with the violence if there is any and all contributions, no matter how much you may dislike them, are considered canon unless the writer himself/herself says otherwise.
4) I'm going to allow two weeks for each part to be written, but I'd like only one submit, so if you aren't sure just sleep on it before sending it. I'll be the receiver on this, you can send them to my email at
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Post by Dosman! »

You know, people have been talking about this same topic over at the new board. Maybe you guys should combine efforts?
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Post by dmuk »

That's a good idea, Dos, but is everyone interested in the same topic? Having too many authors (vs. too few) can also make things drag.

I'm not opposed to contributing to both!

Oh, BTW, Zero got some others to sign up on the Medusa Realm chatroom too: ... ch/704166/

Since saw the invite here first, I'll post my ideas here, too:

A. Fantasy isn't my favorite setting, but it's better than musical comedy...
p.s. Fantasy isn't science fiction

B. Setting: The 1001 tales of the Arabian Nights or The Odyssey

C. I'd rather not start, but I'll write something...

D. The length and other conditions seem about right.

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Post by Dosman! »

The one that used to exist on many-realms was varied, and was well rounded for every one.
That forum is open to a lot of topics, including freezing, posing, dolls, robots, statues, transformations, etc.
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Post by FreezAntix »

so what's happening with this any news? Is it still going to happen or is it too complicated and not enough people have time?
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