Looking for Ideas on a story

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Looking for Ideas on a story

Post by zapped13 »

Since the introduction of the Girls Under Glass series, I have gotten a few requests on doing a story about Professor Claussen's early days at Glendale University. The Fraternal Brotherhood series was originally going to be about this era. However, once that story got rolling, I pretty much knew that it was going to be a modern day tale.

I have been considering doing such a story that would take place around 1962-1964. It may follow along the storyline of the "Animal House" film. I'm open to ideas on what readers would like to see in this story, and you can either PM me with those ideas or post them below. I'm not in anyway going to promise that I will use those ideas, (if any), so don't take it personally if I don't. But I will certainly take a look at what you might come up with.

Some things to consider: This story will take place in the early 60's, and the timeline will be important. I won't be putting in anything that isn't "period correct" . . . In other words, you won't see any Goth Girls, skimpy thongs, Hi-tech gadgets, etc. This story will follow the Brotherhood's practices faithfully, so please don't ask me to be dipping them in mammoth vats of wax or silver, or casting any magic spells that will turn them to stone.

What I have in mind: The story will briefly tell of the the boy's beginnings in college. At some point, they will discover the famous "Ansco Nutrofier Flash Camera" that Claussen's father built, (one of two, that the professor and the Fraternal Order have used ever since). The story will climax with a Toga party that will feature Living statues in Togas that will be posed throughout the party. (The helpless victims will probably come from the campus itself).

What I'm Looking for:

1) Suggestions on fraternity names. Although they share a common goal, Claussen; Pitt; Bushwick; Abner; and even Dean Kessler were all unique individuals, with distinct personalities and tastes. I'm looking for nick names for each of them. I could take the easy way out and use D-Day; Otter, Blutto, etc. from the movie, but that would be kinda cheap. I'll even take nick-names of guys you might have gone to college with. The important thing is they have to match the personality!

2) Descriptions of poses. Should they be standing at attention? ... Should they be fingering their lady parts? The hardest thing for me as a writer, is coming up with descriptions of new poses, so let me hear what you've got!

3) There should be some deep, dark secret that's either revealed, or that has to be kept. One clever suggestion I've already gotten, mentioned the disappearance of a well known actress of that era. I've even considered getting the mob involved. (If you have an idea on the big dark secret concept, please PM it to me. If I decide to use it, I don't want to ruin it for everyone else!)

4) Music from that era. Some of you young punks have never heard of Booker T and the MG's, Santo and Johnny, The Flamingos, etc. I'm sure Louie-Louie by the Kingsmen will be in there, but I'm looking for songs from that era that may have been special to some of you old timers - maybe even with a brief description of why.

This list will grow in time. This isn't a project that will be finished anytime soon, as it it just in the planning stages.
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