The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds (1965)

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The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds (1965)

Post by zapped13 »

I recently came across this movie description and noticed that it had a similar plot to a Horror/ASFR themed story that I wrote a few years back. I realize that "stuffing" humans and placing them on display isn't quite up there in popularity, but I was wondering if anyone out there may have seen this back in the day. If so, were there any females posed? Were they posed as humans, or some grotesque recreation? All that I've managed to find is posted below. This is not to be confused with the Italian-made film "The Embalmer" from 1966. Anyway, seems like it's a pretty rare one, which is usually my specialty, but this one just doesn't seem to register... :?

The Nest Of The Cuckoo Birds (1965) b/w
Starring: Bert Williams, Ann Long, Chuck Frankle, Jackie Scelza, Larry Wright

"Bert Williams (not the legendary African American entertainer) was the "auteur" of The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds. Williams stars as a revenuer, combing the Everglades in hopes of weeding out moonshiners. He comes across a wayside inn, managed by looney-tune showgirl Ann Long. Seems that Ann is a taxidermist, who has a fondness for stuffing and mounting human beings and displaying them in her grotesque Chapel of the Dead. Collectors of recorded esoterica please note: Nest of the Cuckoo Birds has a title tune, performed by the Four Bits (which also seems to have been the film's entire budget). "

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Re: The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds (1965)

Post by Basilisk »

I've been looking at for this, but online sources indicate this is a "lost" movie. Maybe a reel will turn up in somebody's garage, but the days of that happening are fading.
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Re: The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds (1965)

Post by zapped13 »

I've been looking online for quite sometime, but every description I come across seems like it's copied and pasted from before. I hounded 'Something Weird Video' for years on trying to find The Embalmer from 1966 and they eventually came through, but I'm afraid that this one is just too obscure. :(
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