Looking for comic pages

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Looking for comic pages

Post by Leem »

I've been doing a bit of early (or late, depending how you look at it) spring cleaning on my site, which includes adding big images to the comic thumbnails on the Hall of Statuary's Statue Lover's Guide to Comics page. Using Tin Eye and Google Image I've been able to find quite a few of them, but many others have eluded me. If anyone can supply me with bigger images of these thumbnails, or even the full pages they're taken from, I'd be hugely grateful. You'll find details of which comics they come from on the page itself. (NB because of the outdated page code, some browsers may display images on the page in higgledy-piggledy fashion. The page format is the next thing I have to sort out.)

EDIT: Wouldn't you know it, just after posting this message I discovered a source for comic book pages... so now I'm only looking for a handful of images instead of the raft I originally posted here. These are the ones I still don't have.

Image Image Image
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Re: Looking for comic pages

Post by Basilisk »

I'm looking through my old files, but I haven't found them. I positive I used to have them, I think I even scanned Fathom turned to ice myself...

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Re: Looking for comic pages

Post by Leem »

Well, I appreciate you trying. Looks like readcomiconline.to have got more or less everything by Marvel and DC (assuming they don't get rumbled and shut down, which happened to a similar site some years ago), but in order to find the image I obviously need the comic title and issue #, otherwise I'd have to spend a ridiculous amount of time ploughing through the archives to find those precious needles in the haystack.
Ever notice that all the trouble in this world is caused by people trying to get rid of troublemakers?
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